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It is also when the door to faith opens. A heavy door, opening it requires more than just the addict's efforts. It requires the help of people familiar with early recovery essentials: detoxification, abstinence and isolation from known relapse triggers; admission of powerlessness and the unmanageability of life; acceptance of the fact that the addict cannot recover alone and the subsequent willingness to ask for help. These components must not only be taught, they must be modeled by people charged with the responsibility of carrying out a program of addiction treatment. Faith comes next.
"I wouldn't have believed it was possible to give up heroin except that there were all sorts of people in treatment that had already done it. I knew the people who were there to help me weren't lying because their stories were so much like mine. It was the little things that rang true: They knew what it was like to sleep in a cardboard box; they knew how cold the nights got and how sick I would get when the heroin ran out." Baltimore's Heather K. dabs at tears streaking her cheek. "Knowing that they were telling the truth gave me faith that treatment works because I could see it in their eyes." Heather found those tellers of truth could soon become friends. "I knew I could count on them when the cravings came. They understood."
Friends become allies when faith is tested most. Addicts think the most difficult thing about recovery is withdrawal from the drug of choice. In fact, that is simply the most difficult physical challenge. The more daunting prospects come when the drug is out of the system, and the admission of powerlessness and the willingness to ask for help is behind them. Then, they must come to terms with life on life's terms. This requires courage and humility: the courage to admit to another human the exact nature of all the wrongs done; the humility to seek forgiveness through contrition and the willingness to right those wrongs by making serious and substantive amends. Finally, after adult responsibility is taken, the addict must be willing to live a life of ongoing self-examination and commitment to passing on what was learned. Whether one is discussing rehab centers in Maryland, rehab centers in Virginia or rehab in Kentucky, these are universal facts about recovery accepted by almost everyone in the field.
Twelve Palms Recovery Center, experts in private, compassionate addiction treatment, focuses their efforts on the individual. They also emphasize the importance of the 12-step model by not only encouraging AA attendance, but hosting AA meetings, as well. For additional information call 866-331-6779 any time, 24 hours a day.