Senin, 12 Maret 2018

Insane Parent Expectations - Coaching Pop Warner Football

Insane Parent Expectations - Coaching Pop Warner Football

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Insane Parent Expectations - Coaching Pop Warner Football

The above inquiry is the most feared among teachers who are coaching a fresh set of kids every season. The rationale this question is feared is since it is often presented by a troublesome parent. A screwball parent, who likes to listen his, or her. own voice and is going to be trouble for the entire season, is the same individual bringing up these questions. These are the type of individuals that have wretched lives and their solitary intent in life is to destroy everyone else's life as well.

No sane individual is going to concern themselves if their 7 year-old is the signal caller. This individual is pronouncing to all who will listen, their only concern is for their situation and themselves, screw everyone else because it's all about me. You have all seen the kind of person I am describing, who live by the motto "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine".

Do not let these bottom feeders even begin to spread their poison. Conduct your parent meeting early so you can explain the rules and expectations. Explain your rules and expectations, while introducing your zero tolerance policy. Make certain every parent understands when the best time, and the best way, they can come to you with any inquiries or concerns. You need to restrict the loud mouth parent, making sure they never have a group of people to perform in front of. Often these people simply desire to harass the coach, or want to display their "power" of who they are. Corner these people's attitude quickly, by forbidding them from practice. then games and finally bench their children. I know, but yeah I mean it, take it out on the kid. This is, of course, an drastic and last action and needs approval by the top dogs of your league, but this action is successful 100% of the time.

Most parents have an unrealistic, totally slanted view of the child's skills and they cannot deal with reality. Some parents may question you and you should respond to them in a respectful way, but here is no need to repeat your answers. Inform your conference superiors on any and all situations from the beginning, building a history and no shocks when, and if, this becomes trouble.

In closing, beware of the parent's who from the beginning starts inquiring everything you do. A big red flag is the parents who starts questioning the player positions.

The only answer to our above inquiry "How do I make Certain my 8 year old is the Quarterback?" is to volunteer as the head coach, and your child better be good enough and earn the spot it, or be prepared for repercussions like you've never seen.


Jim Oddo has been coaching youth football, ages 4-14, for over 23 years. Find over 400 FREE tips and great articles on every aspect of youth football at In addition to coaching tips, there is a wealth of information regarding Youth Football Playbooks.

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