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Making a difference is not just a scheduled event or activity, but a moment anytime when a person finds it in his/her heart to do something good, to care or to share, or to make a voluntary contribution to another individual, a community or our society.
When we consciously give or do whatever we can to help maintain the wellness of individuals and families in our communities, these acts also contribute to the best quality of life of everyone in our society. Let us continue to gather more bright ideas for our own lives and our surroundings. Lets now begin to count the ways and put them into action
The TIME has come... We say No more to gloom and doom! It is time to RISE UP to our true potential to experience TOTAL WELLNESS in every area of our lives, contributing to SOLUTIONS to maintain the QUALITY of LIFE we enjoy in our communities. It is time for EACH of US to CARE more, to SHINE, and to carry the light of HOPE everywhere! No one individual or group, not even our government alone, can do it all! This is the time that we need each other most, to work-together, joining our hands TOGETHER in MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
1. SMILE more often! Be amazed of how many will be happy to smile back at you. Besides this is the best facial exercise you can make to delay aging signs - so smile!
2. EAT RIGHT! Boost your immune system by eating more natural food, like fresh fruits and vegetables. This alone can significantly reduce your weight and health concerns.
3. EXERCISE regularly. The reason is not just to lose weight, but its a great habit to maintain good health by improved circulation, elimination of body toxins, etc.
4. DRINK WATER more than colored drinks for your health. Water has no sugar or additives.
5. READ and LEARN more. Devote time and money for self-improvement, the best investment you can make that truly pays-off.
6. LOVE, CARE, GIVE and SHARE more. This practice is the very purpose of your life.
7. KEEP BELIEVING. PRAY. Nurture your spirit. This wont cost you any, but help or answer to your needs can be just a prayer away.
For those YOU CARE MOST:
8. If you love them, then SAY it and SHOW it! Do not take them for granted. They need both to hear and see you care.
9. Spend more QUALITY TIME with them. It is what theyll remember most.
10. VISIT, WRITE, CALL those you havent for a while.
For our SENIORS:
11. Give a HELPING HAND and CHEERS cooking, cleaning or whatever they are limited to.
12. Giving a RIDE or offer to CARPOOL with them whenever theres a need.
13. INVOLVE THEM on activities that will continue to stimulate their senses, or they can contribute their gathered wisdom.
14. WALK or CREATE PROGRAMS for YOUTH to benefit them and rally for their good future.
15. Give them more OPPORTUNITIES to EXPLORE and DEVELOP their natural GIFTS and TALENTS, express their DREAMS and GOALS.
16. ENCOURAGE our children more by your WORDS and EXAMPLE. Stay POSITIVE!
For our VETERANS: (For the FREEDOM we now enjoy is due to their sacrifices.)
17. Send CARDS or anything to show you remember and appreciate them.
18. Recognize them, give a SMILE, a SALUTE or HIGH-FIVE when you see them around.
19. SUPPORT their EVENTS and FUNDRAISING efforts to help themselves.
For our HOMELESS Citizens: (Just like you and me, they need care and understanding.)
20. ENCOURAGE THEM by taking time to help them get the help/resources they need to get back on track. Millions are now affected, and nowadays, it can happen to anyone.
21. VOLUNTEER in your local shelters. There are many ways you can help or contribute.
22. Help CREATE MORE PROGRAMS to help them get out of their situation.
For our VOLUNTEERS: (For helping us make things happen.)
23. BIG THANK YOU! note or anything to show your appreciation of them.
24. JOIN them and be prepared to do a RANDOM ACT of KINDNESS anytime.
25. How about VOLUNTEERS APPRECIATION DAY to celebrate them and have a good break?
For our ENVIRONMENT: (We have only one planet, so we must take care of it.)
26. CLEANING and TREE PLANTING with your workmates, neighbors, etc. anywhere permissible.
27. RECYCLE consciously, not just plastics and papers, but clothes and others you can share. CLEAN UP your closet, garage or storage for everything that you dont need. Do a yard sale or simply drive to or call local charities for pickup. This is one recycling to meet needs of others.
28. Learn more of whats causing the GLOBAL WARMING and contribute to preventions/solutions.
For ALL of US:
29. SING, DANCE, be HAPPY no matter what. Brighter days are yet to come!
30. SPEAK the TRUTH. Seeking the truth can set someone FREE.
31. NOTICE and SAY something good or positive to someone, and mean it.
32. Learn SURVIVAL techniques. Always BE PREPARED for any EMERGENCY.
33. ACCEPT YOURSELF. You are gifted and blessed more than you know.
34. Be FORGIVING & UNDERSTANDING as you seek forgiveness and understanding.
35. Learn how to BUDGET or how to manage your money, spend only on needs and the money that you actually have.
36. Be INVOLVED in your COMMUNITY in making good things happen!
37. Will you support me on my personal goal to make a difference? i.e., to reach at least three million people to bring HOPE (Health and Opportunity for People Everywhere) so to live better lives. When you purchase Yes! The Secrets Work! you are giving a gift that lasts a lifetime. Investing in people is the best investment youll ever make, as you are making an impact on your recipients life and also contributing to these projects:
FEED hungry CHILDREN/FAMILIES, locally and globally.
Build SELF-SUSTAINING COMMUNITIES for the poor of the poorest and others in need.
Thank You! Together Making A Difference!!!
For more information or ideas on Making a Difference, visit The stories will surely inspire you. Be involved! Be part of the SOLUTION!
This article is contributed by Anolia Leah Orfrecio-Facun, bestselling author of Yes! The Secrets Work! She is a community health advocate, public educator, volunteer, entrepreneur, former registered nurse and an avid traveler. Yes! The Secrets Work! is available at and bookstores near you. For more information, available electronic file of this article, or to contact her, visit:
You have her permission to copy, forward, share or pass this on to anyone whom you feel can benefit.