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Rising technology gives way for easier access to recruitment online. In fact most applications sent into companies are done online, without the possibility of physically handing in one's resume. This new way of recruitment allows online searching for jobs abroad much simpler. In order to find online recruitment in West Africa, such as in Ghana and Nigeria, one will search for sites that offer job listings for abroad.
The best option is to go through the citizen's government to understand what types of jobs are available in the said country. For certain types of jobs, such as teaching opportunities, the government will be able to help one in finding the online site to retrieve to send in an application. Once the application is accepted the said government's consulate site will be able to aid in understanding what steps need to be taken to secure the employment.
This is not the only possibility in finding online recruitment in West Africa. There are many websites available with job postings listed for all those interested. Teaching is the highest sought after position, and most needed; however, one can find positions in areas such as sales, executive representative, software developers and more in Ghana. Also, sites for volunteer work are accessible in both Ghana and Nigeria. Of course there are several fields open for recruitment; but, for example, in Nigeria job postings exist for engineers, network logistics managers, and other types of managers as well as head of the network support office. The choices are almost endless and finding online recruitment is not difficult. The first step is deciding which field of interest to research. Once this is narrowed down to one or two areas then begin researching. If interested in volunteering the website www.transitionsabroad.com is an excellent spot to check out. To get listings of job openings in Ghana try www.jobsabroad.com/Ghana.cfm but be aware that this is not the only site to research and that there are many more opportunities available. Take the time to really look around and find what will be most interesting or needed to further experience in a certain field.
After finding the perfect job, let's say in Ghana, it may be a good idea to look into sites such as www.findinghana.com to realize what may be needed for creating a comfortable life while in Ghana. Sites for Nigeria are also set up to help in this area. To look into jobs offered all throughout Africa there is www.africaguide.com/work.htm that will give a wider variety of postings, if allowing for variety or variations.
Again, volunteer work can give experience in particular areas for future opportunities. In Nigeria there are works dealing with water aid, food security, business, etc and one can opt to go this route through organizations, backed by the government. One can choose to go directly through the government or more personably through the organizations. All the information can be found online and because of the intensity of these types of programs online recruitment is the absolute best way to become a volunteer, or to post resumes for job offers.
As said earlier, teaching English abroad will make the research seem effortless because there are always openings. Go directly to Ghana or Nigeria's consulate site in the United States http://www.ghanaembassy.org/ , or one's own country, and contact the embassy to find further information on how to get involved in their teaching English abroad program.
At about every website created for finding jobs in West Africa, including Ghana and Nigeria, one will always find jobs available for teaching English abroad. However, there are other possibilities to be found, such as those in fields of technology or business and even volunteering for water works. Online recruitment is becoming not only the number one in recruitment but the only way. Even for local jobs one cannot walk into the establishment, fill out an application and leave one's resume. One must do a little researching online to find recruitment for jobs, as well as for jobs abroad in West Africa.