Image source: https://www.resumepundits.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/job-application-tips-6s4das14asd564asda4sd65new-1-1.jpg
Healthcare is one of the strongest and fastest growing industries in the country right now. Despite this, getting your first job is always a challenge. You may have to go to school for a degree or certification. In some cases you can land a healthcare job with only a high school diploma. Either way, you have to pinpoint the kind of job you want and create a strategy to get started in your new career. Here are some tips to help you accomplish this.
There are many volunteer opportunities in healthcare. This is a way to gain valuable experience that could lead to a job. At the very least, youll be learning new skills and meeting people who may have knowledge about job opportunities. Try to find a volunteer position that matches the kind of job youre seeking. Emergency medical services volunteers are always needed. If youre in college, you might be able to find volunteer positions through your school.
Get a Nursing Degree
Nursing is one of the most lucrative healthcare jobs of all. It requires training, but not nearly as much as a doctorate degree. If you are concerned that you dont have time to attend college, one option worth considering is an online RN to BSN degree. This is a degree you can pursue while keeping your job. When you graduate, youll be qualified for a rewarding job in nursing.
Broaden Your Search
Many people are unaware of just how many job possibilities exist within the healthcare field. Some of these jobs are highly specialized. A cardiovascular perfusionist, for example, monitors patients vital functions during surgery. There are also many jobs that involve assisting medical professionals. Health care support jobs include positions as a surgical technologist, paramedic, and as a genetic counselor. If you research the wide number of job possibilities, you may find a field you hadnt considered.
Transfer Your Current Skills
Even if you dont have a background in healthcare, you may have skills that can be transferred to such a job. If you have experience as an administrative assistant, you may be qualified for some jobs in healthcare administration. Hospitals and other medical institutions need people with experience in IT, human resources and marketing. When creating your resume, be sure to emphasize any skills that can be applied to healthcare jobs.
It will take some effort and research to secure your first healthcare job. Its best to look into many different possibilities, as there are many different specialties within healthcare. You may find it easier to start out in a different area than you originally intended. With the right training and perseverance, youll surely be able to get your start in this lucrative industry.