Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/70/3e/dc/703edc02cdfba4ed82bcb0326d276299.jpg
PTA and PTO groups have many reasons for having school fundraiser events. The reasons range from buying equipment or services for the school that is not in the schools budget, to funding special guest, presentations or field trips. As anyone who has ever headed up a school fundraiser would know, there are unique challenges to running a good and profitable one.
One important factor that might get overlooked while planning a school fundraiser is communication with the parents of the students. Many times it is assumed that the students will fill the parents in on all that is going on at school, especially when it concerns the school fundraiser. Afterall, the students are usually super excited about it after they have seen all the incentives for selling that they could earn. But parents are busy and children don't always communicate in the way that the parents need to hear.
It is not only important to increase the participation of the students in your school fundraiser, but it is probably even more important to secure the support and participation of the parents of your students as well. To do that, you must plan ways to keep your parents informed about the upcoming and ongoing events.
Here are 4 things that you can do when planning your school fundraiser that will help ensure that you maximize your results.
1.) Beginning of Year Communication
At the beginning of the school year we should send a notice to the parents which outlines our plans for all school fundraiser events that are planned throughout the year. This way, there are never any surprises and this gives parents an opportunity to ask questions or even to volunteer to help.
2.) Secondary Communication
Most parents have a hectic schedule and sometimes an upcoming event may slip their mind. Send a letter home in the student's take home pack a week or so before the beginning of each school fundraiser or special event throughout the year.
These first two tips are designed to keep parents "in the loop" for the things that you have planed but if you want to take it to the next level, keep reading.
3.) Publish a Newsletter Edition or Ezine Article about your school fundraiser.
Use your school's newsletter to keep parents informed of things that are going on at school, especially when it comes to your school fundraiser. Be sure to ask your parents to sign up for the newsletter in all correspondence that is sent home. This will pay big dividends down the road.
Public schools and usually have a newsletter or ezine that is published on a regular basis. A simple form could be placed on the school's website to help them find or read up on current happenings at the school. If this is the case, it will make it easy and painless for parents to sign up for the newsletter.
4.) Gather Email Addresses of your parents every chance you get.
When correspondence goes home that needs to be completed by parents and returned be sure that there is a space to put an e-mail address right by the signature line.
If you take the time and trouble to build a database of all these email addresses, you can send your reminders home in print and electronically when it is time for the school fundraiser. You would be surprised at how effective this tactic is in making your school fundraiser a huge success.
These 4 tips will help you increase participation in your next school fundraiser.